What Campers say about Midsummer Musical Retreat

Here are a few comments from MMR "Campers."

“ I would rate this higher than excellent. A wonderful experience all around. The director’s musical skills are unparalleled. I learned a lot.” --Veteran camper


“Rehearsals led to a great performance experience. The music continues to walk through my mind now that I am home. Thank you for making this possible.” – 3rd year camper


“Our conductor was a delight. I learned so much in such a short space of time. Loved the repertoire. Section work helped immensely to learn my part.” – First-year camper


“The expertise I was privileged to hear in the faculty performance was indeed like admiring precious jewels.” Veterancamper


“My goal is to learn more and to cherish the experience of learning and changing. Whether or not I actually join a better group is not really the issue...the issue is what is going on to get there and, well, ups and downs, that's what this is all about.” Veteran camper